Illusions in Rhythm for Drum set by Osami Mizuno in collaboration with Vinnie Colaiuta

The book titled:
"Illusions in Rhythm for Drum set"
by Osami Mizuno in collaboration with Vinnie Colaiuta


Book "Illusions in Rhythm for Drum set" is now available
outside of JAPAN!
>>click here

Vinnie's message


Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3
Author: Osami Mizuno      Special Contributor: Steve Smith   Illusions in Rhythm for Drum Set with Vinnie Colaiuta

お陰さまで私の教則本 アラン・ドーソン・ドラム・メソッド vol.1 スネアドラムテクニック(ルーディメンツ)が
再度 重版となり第7版に、またドーソン・ドラム・メソッド vol.2 スネアドラム ソロ(ルーディメンタル リチュアル)
重版となり第3版に、突入する事となりました。 応援、御支援、たいへん感謝いたします。

Thanks to you, my book, The Alan Dawson Drum Method vol. 1.SNARE DRUM TECHNIQUE (RUDIMENTS) is due to enter its 7th reprinting.
Drum Method vol. 2 .SNARE DRUM SOLO (RUDIMENTAL RITUAL)is due to enter its 3rd I am very grateful for your well wishes and support.